Project: Photo Invoice

Designed and developed the sales website (GatsbyJS), web application (React) and backend (Node/MongoDB) for a full-featured SaaS startup.

This is a true labor of love. At the time I began development, I owned a real estate photography company and simply got fed up with not getting paid very quickly. While there were a few great clients who would pay for the photos we sent them immediately, most would pay whenever they got around to it, often weeks (or months!) later.

Searching the related forums and Facebook groups, I found a few people where were manually requiring the invoice to be paid before they would send over the photos. I liked this idea, but I didn’t like having to send extra emails. I wanted fewer tasks on my plate, not more. There were a few other people who had created workarounds with other photo hosting systems, but nothing that was really geared to be quick and easy for real estate photographers.

Enter me and my nights and weekends. 🤓

The product is straightforward: it allows the photographer to create an invoice, and then add as many “deliverables” as needed (photos, links, etc). When they send the invoice to their client, the client is prompted to submit payment, and then immediately after payment has been received the deliverables are made available.

After a couple months of successful beta testing with my own company, I’m now opening the platform up to others, and working hard to get the word out.

© 2023 Mark Foster