Project: Support Tracker
This is a full-featured, database-backed support ticket management web app. It features calendar and list views, a tagging system, metrics, and follow-up reminders.
Support Tracker is a Ruby on Rails web app used to track support cases and follow up tasks.
I currently manage the support team at a local software company, and we needed a better tool for tracking cases, followups and metrics as the support team grew. There were some great help desk solutions available, but none quite fit the system we had already evolved and loved (particularly with tracking phone-based support cases).
This was a fantastic project for continuing to build and hone my front-end and Rails chops… it had instant users and provided real-life value right out of the gates.
Key technical aspects of the project:
- Ruby on Rails framework
- database design and implementation with PostgreSQL
- front-end implementation with Bootstrap
Case list view.
Calendar view, showing case numbers and minutes per day, with weekly totals.
Tag metrics by month.
Support ticket creation form.