
  1. React, Coding

    How to use the Styled Components Babel plugin with create-react-app

    I love Styled Components, and have used it for years as my preferred CSS-in-JS library. But one annoyance is the randomly-generated class…
  2. Coding, React

    npx is yelling at me about global installation of Create React App, even though it’s not installed globally

    I was trying to spin up a new create-react-app project this morning and ran into this error: That seemed simple enough… so I ran both the…
  3. Coding

    This tutorial is old, my app is broken, and I’m really tired: Some advice

    I saw this comment on Reddit a couple days ago, and it hit me like a ton of bricks: I found the version of react-router-dom used in the…
  4. Coding, Framer Motion

    How to re-animate a Framer Motion component based on state

    A common question when getting started with Framer Motion is how to force a component to re-animate. I ran into this question on the Framer…
  5. Coding

    Launching Custom Multi-Pane Terminal Window Arrangements

    I have been trying to find a way to be able to do a single-command quick-launch of multiple text editors and multi-paned terminal windows…
  6. Coding, JavaScript, JS Basics

    Object.seal() and Object.freeze()

    The other day I saw Object.freeze() and Object.seal() on a list of common JavaScript interview topics, and took note as I’ve never really…
  7. Reflection

    Goals That Actually Work

    It’s the new year, so a lot of people are thinking about goals. Myself included. A couple years ago I started treating my New Years…
  8. Coding

    Fixing My MacBook Pro Random Shutdown Issue

    TL;DR: If you have a 2013, 2014, or 2015 MacBook Pro (either the 13 inch or 15 inch version), and are experiencing an issue with random…
  9. Coding, Reflection

    Maximizing Daily Code Study

    On most weekdays, I try to set aside about an hour to learn new coding topics and concepts. I don’t always reach that goal, but I’m able to…
  10. Coding, React

    How to Use Environment Variables with Create-React-App

    Environment Variables are a critical tool in getting your app set up correctly, but can be tricky for beginners. Create React App also has a…
  11. Coding

    Using VSCode Snippets Within a Styled Components Tagged Template Literal

    I’m a huge fan of the CSS-in-JS library Styled Components, but I recently had an issue I struggled to solve: my Visual Studio Code snippets…
  12. Coding

    How to Sync VSCode Settings & Snippets Between Computers

    I had to take my laptop into the Apple Store for service the other day, and was left using my wife’s super old computer for a few days…
  13. Coding, JavaScript, JS Basics

    JS Basics: Value vs. Reference

    In JavaScript, a variable can point to a value, or to a reference to a value. It’s easiest to explain with code: No surprises here. Lines 1…
  14. Coding, JavaScript, React

    Anchor tags vs Link components in React: Pick the right option by answering one simple question

    I came across a question on the ReactJS reddit forum today, where someone new to React asked a question similar to one I remember having…
  15. Coding, JavaScript, JS Basics

    JS Basics: The JavaScript Event Loop

    From time to time, I get a hankering to dive into a topic and crystallize any fuzziness in my understanding. Today is a classic- the…
  16. Coding

    A DIY Trackball Stand That Fixed My Wrist Pain

    I spend a lot of time working at a computer, which means I spend a lot of time using a keyboard and mouse. A couple years ago I started to…
  17. Side Projects

    Define Success Before You Start

    I love starting new side projects. The promise of a clean slate, choosing a fresh, new design, picking the latest and greatest tech stack…
  18. Serverless, Coding

    Using AWS Lambda to Automatically Watermark Images on S3

    ⚠️ Update on Apr 21, 2020 - Unfortunately, this code is no longer working. The watermarker function is based on the library, which only…
  19. React Native, Coding

    StyleSheet.absoluteFill (and other React Native StyleSheet helpers)

    One of my dev goals for the years is leveling up my skills around creating delightful, silky smooth animations (in the web and with React…
  20. Coding, React

    React setState() in Depth

    I was inspired by this tweet by Kent C. Dodds to dig into React’s setState a bit more:
  21. Sales, Side Projects

    Notes from "How To Build a Solo SaaS Sales Machine"

    I’ve been needing some motivation and ideas for getting a side project off the ground, and ran across a video from Steli Efti at MicroConf a…
  22. Coding, React

    React Fragments in 2 Minutes

    Sometimes there are topics I hear about and want to dig into, but don’t have time to right away. Then my mind starts to play tricks on me…
  23. Coding, React

    Exploring React's Updated Context API

    What is it? In v16.3, React included a new Context API, aimed at making it easier to pass data down to children that are multiple levels…
© 2023 Mark Foster